Next round
- Course Code: WEB02-01H-0723
- Hours: 24 Hours
- Lessons: 3 lessons
- Date: 22, 29 July & 5 August 2023
- Time: 10:00 pm-6:00 pm (with 1-hour lunch included)
- Location: Hong Kong Legal Hub, West Wing, Justice Place, 11 Ice House Street, Central, Hong Kong
- Language: Cantonese, supplemented with Chinese materials
- Fee: HK$85,000 [Course fee: HK$40,000 + Accredited Assessment Fee: HK$45,000]
- Application Deadline: 10 July 2023
*Terms and conditions applied
If a participant is absent from the class due to the diagnosis of COVID-19 and submits the relevant medical certificate to the Academy, the participant can be arranged make-up class(s) in the next session with the administration fee waived.
Course Organisers
- Academy of International Dispute Resolution and Professional Negotiation (AIDRN); and
Course Outline
- Day 1: Importance of Web3.0 for entrepreneurs in the Mainland and HKSAR
- Unit 1: Defining Web3 and why it matters
- Unit 2: Understanding more able the advanced development of China & HKSAR
- Unit 3: Web 3.0 working well in the Mainland
- Day 2. Seizing the opportunity Business opportunities in the Web 3.0 environment
- Unit 1: The role of Hong Kong in facilitating the development of digital RMB and new generation international trading treaty Identifying the challenges and competitive landscape
- Unit 2: Financing and branding in the Web3.0 World
- Day 3. Risk Management and Compliance
- Unit 1: ESG, compliance and Risk Management in Web 3.0.
- Unit 2: Choosing the right talents and manager for your blue ocean
- Unit 3. Disputes Resolution and Sustainability
- Business leader, CEO, CFO, CCO; and
- Corporate Development Directors
Upon completion of this Course
- Participants attaining ≥ 70% attendance in the course will be awarded a Certificate of Attendance
- Participants attaining ≥ 70% attendance and passing the end-of-course Qualifying Examination will be awarded a Certificate of Completion
- Participants are eligible to apply to be the Certified World leading entrepreneur in Web3.0 of IPAA with the presence of the Certificate of Completion or the Assessment Results within a year
Professional Qualification
- The course has been accredited by the International Professional Advocates Association (IPAA). The graduates of the course are eligible to apply to the professional examination - IPAA World Leading Enterpeurer in Web3 Examination”. Passing the examination will be awarded the title of Certified World Leading Enterpeurer in Web3.0 "CWLE" and Fellowship in FinTech conferred by AIDRN
- The Qualification is recognized by multiple International legal and dispute resolution centres and Intellectual Property Offices
- 國家互聯網信息辦公室、
- 國家知識產權局、
- 國家版權貿易基地、
- 國家商標就品牌創新創業基地、
- 商標及品牌維權基地香港專委會、和
- 粵港澳大灣區知識產權服務聯盟。
Course Details
Course Code | WEB02 |
Duration | 24 Hours |
Days | 3 weekend day |
Time | 10:00 am - 6:00 pm |
Venue | Listed above ("Next round") |
Teaching Medium | Cantonese (Teaching materials mainly in Traditional Chinese) |
Fee | HK$85,000 [Course fee: HK$40,000 + Accredited Assessment Fee: HK$45,000] |
Application Method | Please complete the application form and submit the cheque or payment receipt to AIDRN by email, mail or in person on or before the deadline. |
Payment Methods |
Deadline | Listed above ("Next round") |
Terms and Conditions | A. Registration must be made by returning the completed online application form via Google link and sending the crossed-cheque or copy of the bank-in slip to Room 506, 5/F, West Wing Justice Place, 11 Ice House Street, Central, Hong Kong by 12:00 noon on the day of the deadline. Confirmation will be notified by email upon the successful application within two days after the day of the deadline. No Refund will be arranged in all circumstances after the confirmation notification is issued.
B. If you do not receive an email confirmation from the Secretariat within two days after the day of the deadline, your name will be wait-listed. Your submitted cheque will be voided subsequently by the Secretariat if you have not been assigned a place in the captioned course or if your fee was made by bank transfer, a cheque will be issued to you as the payment refund. C. Participants must sign in and sign out. Participants who are late for more than 20 minutes or leave earlier of each session will not be qualified for the completion of IDRRMI’s & MHJMC’s & HKMC’s &IPAA's CPD Points in their respective sessions. D. If you are not able to attend the captioned course after the receipt of the confirmation email, you are required to inform the Secretariat as soon as you are aware of unavailability on/ before the course date by email. No refund will be made after confirmation. E. If typhoon signals no. 8 or above or black rainstorm warning signals is hoisted and not lowered by 2 hours before the lesson start, the lesson will be postponed or canceled. Rescheduled date/ time/ venue will be announced in due course. F. In case of any disputes, the Academy of International Dispute Resolution & Professional Negotiation reserves the right to make final decisions. G. The course is subject to change at any time without liability. |